Reseach projects

The research activity of our group is mainly expressed through its participation in research projects. Through them, we follow the developments in the fields of our research interests , while we build collaborations with a view to improving the quality of its research methods. Our team has participated in the past and continues to participate in various research programs and national projects either individually or in the context of collaborations with domestic and foreign research groups.

Current research projects

INFINITE: artIficial iNtelligence For professIonal aNd pedagogIcal pracTices in Higher Education

Funding: European Commission - Erasmus+ Program

Duration: 2,5 years (December 2023 - May 2026)

Progress 33%

INFINITE aims to prepare higher education faculty to critically and ethically exploit AI-based technology for their professional and pedagogical practices, supporting Higher Education Institutions to make the best use of AI developments. More information on the project website. More information on the project’s website.

Partner organisations

STEAME Teacher Facilitators Academy

Funding: European Commission - Erasmus+ Program

Duration: 3 years (June 2023 - June 2026)

Progress 50%

The project aims at supporting in servece and in training teachers through the development of a STEAME Teacher Facilitators Academies model that will be networkes via a European Federation of STEAME Teacher Academies and will be linked to educational units, tertiary education institutions focusing on the professional development of teachers and the preparation of educational units for the effective use of hybrid learning environments for project based STEAME learning. More information on the project’s website.

Partner organisations

Completed research projects

VOL3DEDU: Volumetric 3D Teachers in Educational Reality

Funding: European Commission - Erasmus+ Program​

Duration: 2 years (December 2022 - November 2024)

Progress 100%

VOL3DEDU project aims to prepare teachers for blended and distant learning through utilisation and training for advanced innovation solutions embedding volumetric 3D content. More information on the project’s website.

Partner organisations

LeaderAI: LEAarning analytics and AI for personaliseD lEaRning

Funding: European Commission - Erasmus+ Program​

Duration: 2 years (December 2022 - November 2024)

Progress 100%

LEADER AI project aims to address the need for effective Higher Education (HE) digital learning that responds to students’ needs, strengths, and skills, through the proper exploitation of advanced technologies such as Learning Analytics and Artificial Intelligence. More information on the project’s website.

Partner organisations

XRWomen: Empower Refugee Women through XR supported Language learning

Funding: European Commission - Erasmus+ Program

Duration: 2 years (December 2022 - November 2024)

Progress 100%

The XRWomen project focuses on developing and/or improving foreign language-specific skills of refugee women or women with fewer opportunities through the tools of XR (Virtual, augmented and mixed reality). More information on the project’s website.

Partner organisations

VRinHE: Integrating Virtual and Augmented Reality in Higher Education Curricula

Funding: European Commission - Erasmus+ Program​

Duration: 2 years (February 2022 - January 2024)

Progress 100%

The VRinHE project aims to build the capacities of Higher Education institutions and their staff, to integrate Virtual and Augmented Reality in teaching and learning. More information on the project’s website

Partner organisations

REVEALING: REalisation of Virtual rEality LearnING Environments (VRLEs) for Higher Education

Funding: European Commission - Erasmus+ Program​

Duration: 2 years (February 2022 - January 2024)

Progress 100%

The objective of the REVEALING project is to create VR learning environments that can be incorported into the curricula of Higher Education Institutes (HEI).These environments will resemble virtual classrooms, with both students and teachers using avatars, and will display the lesson’s teaching material in a more immersive and interactive way. More information on the project’s website.


South Aegean Future Labs

Funding: Partnership Agreement for the Development Framework 2014-2020

Duration: 18 months (November 2021 - April 2023)​

Progress 100%

The objective of the Future Labs project is the design, development and operation of modern research facilities supported by innovative technologies such as Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), Video 360o and the Internet of Things Things-IoT) to support: the tourism sector at local and regional level, local production, the promotion of cultural identity, the promotion of innovative entrepreneurship practices. More information on the project’s website.

Aegean e-learning platform

Funding: Partnership Agreement for the Development Framework 2014-2020

Duration: 18 months (November 2021 - April 2023)​

Progress 100%

The main objectives of the project are:

  • the modernization of asynchronous and modern distance learning infrastructures
  • the reformation of the standards for the design and provision of e-learning programs at training level and in collaboration with the Training and Lifelong Learning Center of the University of the Aegean
  • the provision of online distance education in the graduate study programs of the University of the Aegean
  • the support of applied research in the field of online distance education depending on the peculiarities of the University of the Aegean as a Polynesian Higher Education Institution
  • the synergy between the University of the Aegean and local communities for the specialization and training of human resources. More information on the project’s website.
STEAME GOES HYBRID: Blueprint Guidelines and Policy Recommendations

Funding: European Commission - Erasmus+ Program​

Duration: 2 years (May 2021 - April 2023)

Progress 100%

STEAME goes HYBRID project aims to develop innovative practices and ways of utilizing technological tools for teaching STEAME (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Mathematics, Entrepreneurship) courses in hybrid learning environments. More information on the project’s website.

Partner organisations

UMARG: Using Augmented Reality Games to develop key competences through learnng aboout sustainable development

Funding: European Commission - Erasmus+ Program​

Duration: 2 years (December 2019 - November 2021)​

Progress 100%

UMARG project aims to the educational utilization of location-based mobile augmented reality games towards the development of students’ 21st century skills. More information on the project’s website.


Partner organisations

CONOCO: COping with NO mobility during COrona virus times: Learning from each other

Funding: European Commission - Erasmus+

Duration: 20 months (October 2020 - May 2022)

Progress 100%

CONOCO project aims to collect practices from the partner countries and beyond, on how the European employees-employers, educators-students, parents-grandparents, including people with disabilities, were coping with staying at home and also highlighting original, typical approaches that proved to be efficient and helped people’s productivity and creativity. More information on the project’s website.

Partner organisations

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