LEADER AI: Training programme for 20 participants

On Tuesday 16 April 2024, the inaugural online meeting of the training programme created within the LEADERAI project took place. The training program is attended by 20 members of the academic community including faculty members, staff members, researchers and students. The programme is based on the train the trainer methodology, as the main trainers had been trained some time earlier.

The aim of the programme is to introduce participants to practical examples of the application of artificial intelligence and learning analytics in educational environments and the ways in which these technologies can be used to provide personalised learning to higher education students.

During the kick-off meeting, 9 scenarios created by the project partners were presented, related to practical examples of the application of AI and learning analytics in higher education. The continuation of the training programme will be implemented in an asynchronous way. The meeting was an excellent opportunity for dialogue and reflection on the potential and limitations of AI and learning analytics in education.

You can find information about the LEADERAI project on the official project website: www.leaderai.eu.

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